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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF format.
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text is 1.5 spaced; 12 point font size; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end. Make sure to include separately the files for the charts and figures.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographical requirements outlined in the Directrices del autor/a that appear in the About section.
  • The file that will be uploaded with the full text DOES NOT contain information about the authors or their affiliation, to respect double blinding.
  • I will declare in the Comments to the editor section the use of AI and the total percentage, as well as indicate what percentage was used in the various activities (References, Writing, Review).

Author Guidelines

The works will be submitted to evaluation by a committee of experts. All the proposals will go through an editorial process that will take place in several phases, so it is necessary that the submission of the writings follow a series of rules that facilitate the edition and avoid the delay of the publication.

The writings sent to Dimensiones Turísticas must be original and academic, not having been published in other printed or electronic media. Nor should they have been simultaneously submitted to other journals or editorial bodies. They must strictly adhere to this guide for authors.

The texts must be sent in their final and complete version, since subsequent modifications will not be accepted once the evaluation process has begun.

The journal publishes three types of works: articles, critical notes and book reviews.

All papers will be reviewed to verify that they strictly comply with this guide for authors, otherwise, they will be sent to the authors to make the corresponding adjustments. Once it has been established that the work meets the requirements requested by the journal, it will be sent to two referees, who will determine anonymously:

a) Positive opinion: indicates a favorable result; the manuscript can be evaluated:

Publish without changes;

Publish when minor changes have been met;

Publish after a thorough review has been carried out.


b) Not publishable: the writing is definitively rejected.

In the event of a discrepancy between the two results, the text will be sent to a third arbitrator, whose opinion will be decisive in deciding whether or not it is accepted. The results of the evaluation process will be final in all cases.

Papers sent by academics attached to any institution will be submitted to external referees for consideration.

The opinions will be sent to the authors in a timely manner.


Items to consider

The works submitted must be written in a clear, simple and well-structured manner, omitting the wording in the first person, either singular or plural (I or we).

Paragraphs will adopt the modern paragraph style (no indentation). Papers may be written in Spanish or English.

Writings that present an abuse of textual quotations for each page will not be accepted; preferably used only for concepts and definition.

Requirements for articles

All works must be written in Word 2016 or earlier, on letter-size sheets, on one side, spaced one and a half times and with margins of three centimeters. Calibri or Arial 12-point font.

The minimum length of the article will be 25 thousand characters or 5 thousand words and the maximum length will be 55 thousand characters or nine thousand words, in letter size, spaced and a half, including summary, tables, graphs and figures (maps, illustrations, diagrams, photographs) and references.

The title of the work must appear on the first page (written in upper and lower parts, in bold and in Spanish and English), which must be brief and clearly refer to the content. Next, a summary will be included in Spanish and English (abstract) with a maximum length of 500 characters, highlighting the objective, the relevance of the analysis, the method used, the main results or most relevant findings. It is the author's responsibility to provide a correct translation of the abstract. Also indicate in the record (omit in the word file) the institution or body of affiliation of the author(s), their respective ORCID and emails.

Likewise, five keywords are required in Spanish and English (keywords). It is suggested that these words be: one geographical, two disciplinary and two thematic, with their respective translation into English or Spanish that allow the content of the article to be identified. Then include the main text and references.

The text should be organized as follows (section titles are indicative, proposals may have another title, but respect the contents):

Summary (Spanish and English) and key words in both languages
Body of the work: theoretical framework, methodology, results, discussion and/or findings.

The titles or subtitles must be differentiated from each other, for this the use of the progressive decimal system is recommended, taking care that the numbering of the subtopics or sections is not excessive or greater than two orders (2., 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2 ).

Acronyms and acronyms must be clearly defined upon their first use in the text. Abbreviations are not accepted, except those referred to in the Style Manual.

All references to previously published material and statistical sources must be identified in the text using the APA 7 author and date citation system, placing the last name of the author (or authors), noting in parentheses the first last name of the author or authors, followed by the year of publication and reference page(s) preceded by the letter p. For example: (Hiernaux, 2010, p.63) or (Hiernaux and Lindón, 2015, pp.231-235).

The footnotes must be those strictly necessary, be numbered successively in Arabic numerals and be located at the foot of the page. They will be used only to make specific comments or clarifications from the author and not for bibliographical references. They must be presented in 9-point Calibri font, avoiding annexes or appendices.

Tables and graphs should include concise statistical information, in spreadsheet format, preferably in Microsoft Excel. They must also be placed in editable format in the place proposed in the document, with the title placed at the top of the object, with Calibri 10 point typology and with its respective reference source placed at the bottom. The equations must be built in Word, not included as an image.

The figures must be included in separate files, in jpeg (.jpg) or tiff (.tif) image format with a resolution of 300 dpi and preferably in color and one file for each object. They must also be placed in editable format in the proposed place in the document, with the title placed at the top of the figure, with Calibri 10 point typology and with its respective reference source placed at the bottom.

Both tables, graphs and other figures will be numbered with the Arabic system (table 1, 2, 3, and more). The photographs are considered as figures (figure 1, 2, 3, etc.). The latter must be handled in JPG format at a minimum of 300 dpi and must specify as a caption, the author and the year in which they were taken, with Calibri 10 point typology and with their respective reference source, placed at the bottom.

Each file must be titled first by the type of object, its consecutive number and the page on which it is located (graf1p8.jpg;map1p15.tif; fig1p12.jpg; fig2p16.xls; etc.). In the body of the text, each object must be included in the corresponding place, in editable format.

References will be included at the end of the article arranged alphabetically by author, including exclusively the works cited in the body of the text such as books, book chapters, articles in digital or printed magazines, journalistic notes, Internet files, films, among others.


Artículo: se refiere a trabajos originales que expongan los principales hallazgos teóricos, empíricos o metodológicos de investigaciones concluidas o en curso que analicen desde distintas disciplinas procesos vinculados a la actividad turística.


Reseña bibliográfica: Es un texto breve que refiere o analiza publicaciones en formato físico o electrónico recientes que aborden temáticas de turismo o de investigación. El Comité editorial será el responsable de sugerir los libros a reseñar.

Nota crítica

Nota crítica: es una reflexión académica sobre temas actuales o avances de investigación.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.