Migration, Labor, and the Necropolitics of Tourism in Sayulita, Nayarit





Migration, Work, Necropolitics, Tourism, Sayulita Nayarit


The significant boost given to tourism on the south coast of Nayarit since the 1970s has revitalized the region's economy and attracted many migrants from other parts of the country. These individuals move to the municipality of Bahía de Banderas to sell their labor and gain employment, yet they face conditions of severe exploitation. This work reflects on the relationship between tourism, migration, and labor, and how the first one is a form of colonial domination based on methods of necropolitics, as evidenced by qualitative research results conducted during the period 2021 - 2023, in the town of Sayulita.

Key words: Migration, Work, Necropolitics, Tourism, Sayulita, Nayarit


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Author Biographies

DSc. Luz Angélica Ceballos-Chávez, Autonomous University of Nayarit


Biographical Summary
Luz Angélica Ceballos Chávez

Luz Angélica Ceballos Chávez is a Full-Time Professor-Researcher, "C" Holder, at the Autonomous University of Nayarit (UAN), attached to the Academic Unit of Education and Humanities. She holds a Doctorate in Sciences for Sustainable Development from the University of Guadalajara (UdG); a Master's degree in Organizational and Human Development from the University of Valle de Atemajac (UNIVA) and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS). She has worked professionally in the Public Sector (areas of education, culture, government, planning and governmental control) of the states of Sonora, Sinaloa and Nayarit, and the Private and Social Sector (education area). She has been a teacher of upper secondary and higher education and served as General Director of the Research and Educational Development Institute of Nayarit, A.C. (IDENAY), during the period from 2012 to 2016. She is currently a member of the Academic Clusters of the Doctoral Programs in Social Sciences and the Master's Degree in Sciences for Development, Sustainability and Tourism of the UAN (both enrolled in the National Postgraduate System of the CONAHCYT) and a teacher in the Academic Program of Educational Sciences of the same university. She has directed 12 theses (Master's and Doctorate) and has recognition from the Program for the Professional Development of Teachers for the Higher Type (PRODEP). Her academic production and participation in national and international forums revolve around the topics Societies in Transition, Tourism, Sustainable Development, Migration and Education.
Recent publications:
1) Luz Angélica Ceballos Chávez, Luis Obed Soto Castro (in press). Immigrants in Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit. Precarity and invisibility in a tourist destination. In J.L. Quintero and J.L. Marín (coords.). Migration and Education: the new challenges of our time. Autonomous University of Nayarit/ Del Lirio Editions.
2) Andrés Augusto Arias Guzmán, Mario Enrique Ramírez Vázquez, Luz Angélica Ceballos Chávez (in press). Research as a practice that enhances teaching in the Academic Unit of Education and Humanities of the Autonomous University of Nayarit. An experience of linkage between collegiate bodies. In A. Bernal (coord.). Educational research: results from experience and feeling. Autonomous University of Nayarit.
3) Luz Angélica Ceballos Chávez (2023). "Migration and tourism employment in Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit. An alternative to poverty?" Ichan Tecolotl Magazine (CIESAS), Year 34, No. 373 (June).
4) Angel Díaz Pacheco, Miguel A. Álvarez Carmona, Rafael Guerrero Rodríguez, Luz Angélica Ceballos Chávez, Ansel Y. Rodríguez González, Juan Pablo Ramírez Silva, Ramón Aranda (2022). "Artificial intelligence methods to support the research of destination image in tourism. A systematic review". Journal of experimental & Theoretical artificial intelligence. https://doi.org/10.1080/0952813X.2022.2153276

DSc. Mario Alberto Velázquez García, The College of Sonora

Biographical Summary
Mario Alberto Velázquez García

Mario Alberto Velázquez García has been a Professor-Researcher at The Sonora College since 2005. He holds a Doctorate in Sociology from The México College. He is a member of the National System of Researchers SNI-I and the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC).

• Doctorate in Social Sciences with a Specialization in Sociology, The México College.
• Master’s in Social Sciences with a Specialization in Municipal Development at The Mexiquense College.
• Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
• Director of the Journal: “Scientific Journal of Urban Regional Studies Hatsö-Hnini”. http://revistahatsohnini.com.mx/.

Recent publications:

1. Mario Alberto Velázquez García and Mariano Castellanos Arenas (In press). Huapalcalco and the ministers of the past. Civil society in the preservation of Mexico’s cultural heritage. El Colegio de Sonora.

2. Mario Alberto Velázquez García and Miguel Dionisio Lazcano Benítez (2023). “Tourism as a tool to build environmental governance in the Comarca Minera geopark” Pasos, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Vol. 21 No. 1. Pp. 23-36. (January-March).

3. Mario Alberto Velázquez García (2023). “Foreign tourists and public tourism policies in Mexico. William Spratling and the magic towns program in Taxco, Guerrero” Topofilia, Journal of Architecture, Urbanism and Territories. No. 26 (April - September): 232- 251.

4. Sánchez Luna, Paula Eloísa, and Mario Alberto Velázquez (2022). “Governance In The Times Of The 4T: The Feminist Movement And The Public Agenda”. Intersticios Sociales, No. 24 (September):67-96. https://doi.org/10.55555/IS.24.449. ‎<Se editó este mensaje.>


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How to Cite

Ceballos-Chávez, L. A., & Velázquez-García, M. A. (2024). Migration, Labor, and the Necropolitics of Tourism in Sayulita, Nayarit. Dimensiones turísticas, 8, 1-31. https://doi.org/10.47557/ONJP8622


