The Magical Towns Program and some of its local effects




Pueblos Mágicos, lights, shadows, program, benefits


This essay contains a general profile of the Magical Towns Program and some of its effects, based on the empirical evidence available as a result of research in which the author of this work has collaborated and reflections with colleagues participating, in different localities where the program in question has operated. It begins with the presentation of some of its most relevant characteristics, to later focus on the identification of what are considered as its lights and shadows, taking into account some of its most relevant results. It is concluded that the positive angle of the program is centered in the benefits operated in the infrastructure and physiognomy of the towns, as well as in the diversifications partially operated in the economic sectors with the strengthening of trade and services; however, of course these have not been reflected so far in benefits for the population as a whole.


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How to Cite

Guillén Lúgigo, M. (2021). The Magical Towns Program and some of its local effects. Dimensiones turísticas, 5(8), 131-141.