Social mobilization and tourism: the conflict over the privatization of coastal space in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina


  • Gonzalo Cruz Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



Mar del Plata, social mobilization, tourism, beaches, privatization


This paper addresses the conflict over the privatization of the beach sectors in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina, focusing on the organizations that seek to warn about the problems caused by this. The task is carried out considering the theoretical contributions of Benford and Snow for the analysis of diagnostic, prognostic and motivational collective action frames. A qualitative type of work is proposed in which the discourse of the activists in the press media and their own diffusion platforms is interpreted. A revision of the regulations corresponding to each of the claims is also carried out. The position of the organizations involves a consideration of the beach that goes beyond its productive possibilities, its environmental and cultural value is highlighted. It is possible to identify a correspondence between the arguments and the legal framework, the existence of flexibility in their application and the need to channel a tourism development model compatible with the requirements and values of the resident population.


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How to Cite

Cruz , G. (2020). Social mobilization and tourism: the conflict over the privatization of coastal space in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina. Dimensiones turísticas, 4(7), 29-62.