How to send an article

Before submitting your article, we suggest you to review the Guide for Authors, so that the document has the requested specifications.

To submit an article, log in with your username and password to the journal's platform. If you are not yet registered, please do so by clicking on the option at the top right. If you already have a username and password, just press the Enter option.

Once registered, access to the email address you indicated in your request to continue with the process.

With your data, now you can enter to the platform, where you will now see a drop-down menu in the upper right. From there, select Dashboard to go to the Submissions option.

In the first step of the Submissions form, please select the data that corresponds in language and section. Also, click on the requirements boxes to agree to this. Once the fields are complete, press Save and continue.

In the next step you will be asked to upload your file. When you finish uploading the main file, you can check the Submit another file tab to upload additional elements such as tables or graphs, or press Complete.

Once your file is uploaded, click Save and continue. In the next step, you will be asked for the main data of your article, critical note or review, such as title, subtitle, summary, information about the author and collaborators (if applicable), keywords and citations. Remember to integrate the elements into your Spanish version, where applicable. Save to continue.

Once ready, the system will confirm that the items have been uploaded correctly and ask if you are ready to Finish Submission. By clicking on the Finish button, your shipment will have been completed satisfactorily. You will receive a confirmation email. Your file will be monitored from the platform, so we ask you to be aware of your email, where you will receive notifications about it.