Ethics statement

Dimensiones turísticas subscribes to the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) code of conduct, which adopts the following recommendations from the Good Practice Guide revised and approved by COPE in 2011:

The journal management and other members of the editorial team are responsible for guaranteeing an anonymous evaluation process between authors and reviewers. The information about the manuscript will be kept strictly confidential and only the authors responsible for the proposal and the editorial team will be informed.

The journal management will keep the identity of the reviewers anonymous.

Dimensiones Turísticas is committed to choosing qualified evaluators according to the subject and with proven ability to evaluate ethically and professionally, avoiding conflicts of interest.

Dimensiones Turísticas will take care of the academic and ethical quality of the communication with the evaluators, any fault, impoliteness or misconduct of a reviewer will be reviewed and the magazine undertakes not to resort to evaluators who perform such practices.

The proposals will be submitted to an opinion considering their intellectual content, without bias or discrimination of age, gender, political or religious beliefs and respecting freedom of expression.

The editorial decisions of acceptance or rejection will be based on the importance, originality and clarity of the manuscript, on the validity of the scientific study and on its link with the editorial line of the journal. The director may only revoke proposals or contributions in the event that serious problems are identified with them, such as plagiarism, ethical misconduct, among others, even if they were previously approved for publication.

If necessary and proven, Dimensiones Turísticas can make public issues of misconduct related to research and proposals, including plagiarism and duplication practices by the authors.

The management of the journal and the Editorial Committee apply and recommend to their reviewers the use of software to detect plagiarism (Turnitin, Paper Rater, Viper, among others).

As for the evaluators, they must commit to the following:

Review proposals confidentially and not use review information for purposes other than job evaluation.
Inform the management of the journal in the event of any conflict of any kind (of interest or related to the methodology, content or procedures of the research, the evaluators must inform the management).

Inform the journal management of issues of bad ethics related to the research and the proposals, including plagiarism and duplicity practices by the authors.

As for the authors, they must commit to the following:

The proposals are the responsibility of whoever supports the authorship; the authors undertake to submit unpublished and original academic works prepared by themselves. Proposals must not be subjected to other editorial procedures or have been subject to plagiarism, falsification or manipulation.

All material not produced by whoever supports the authorship must be clearly cited in accordance with the Rules of the Dimensionales Turísticas magazine.

The authors have the obligation not to incur in falsification of authorship participation, so they must balance their participation so that phantom authorships or collaborations do not appear.