Guideliness for authors
The works will be submitted for evaluation by a committee of experts. All proposals will go through an editorial process that will be developed in several phases, so it is necessary that the presentation of the writings follow a series of rules that facilitate editing and avoid the delay of publication.
The writings sent to Dimensiones Turísticas for publication must be original and academic, and must not have been published in other printed or electronic media. Nor should they have been simultaneously submitted to other magazines or editorial bodies. They must strictly adhere to the guidelines for authors.
Documents with AI use of less than 20% will be received as long as they declare it and indicate the percentage in which it was used, in the comments section of the submission form. The journal reserves the right to reject a submission if it detects excessive usage or suspicious activity in the undeclared document.
The texts must be sent in their final and complete version, since subsequent modifications will not be accepted once the evaluation process has begun.
The journal will publish three types of work: articles, critical notes and book reviews.
All papers will be reviewed to verify that they strictly comply with the guidelines for authors, otherwise, they will be sent to the authors to make the corresponding adjustments. Once it is established that the work meets the requirements stated by the magazine, it will be sent to two reviewers, who will determine anonymously:
- a) Positive opinion: indicates a favorable result; the manuscript can be evaluated:
Post without changes;
Publish when minor modifications have been made;
Post after a thorough review has been done.
- b) Not publishable: the writing is definitively rejected.
In case of discrepancy between both results, the text will be sent to a third evaluator, whose opinion will be decisive in deciding whether or not to accept it. The results of the evaluation process will be final in all cases.
The works sent by academics assigned to any institution will be submitted to external evaluators for consideration.
The opinions will be sent to the authors in due course.
Important to consider
The works sent must be written in a clear, simple and well-structured way, omitting the writing in the first person, either in the singular or plural (I or we).
The paragraphs will adopt the modern paragraph style (no indentation). The works may be written in Spanish or English.
Writings that present an abuse of textual citations for each page will not be accepted; being used preferably only for concepts and definitions.
Requirements for items
All papers must be written in Word 2011 or earlier, on letter-size sheets, on one side, spaced and a half and with margins of three centimeters. Calibri or Arial 12 points font.
The minimum length of the article will be 25,000 characters or 5,000 words, and the maximum of 55 characters or 9,000 words, spaced and a half, including abstract, tables, graphs and figures (maps, illustrations, diagrams, photographs) and bibliography.
The title of the work must appear on the first page (written up and down, in bold and in Spanish and English), which must be brief and clearly refer to the content. Next, a summary in Spanish and English (abstract) with a maximum length of 500 characters will be included, highlighting the objective, the relevance of the analysis, the method used, the main results or the most relevant findings. It is the responsibility of the author to provide a correct translation of the abstract. Also indicate in your registration the full name, the institution or body of affiliation of the author(s), their respective ORCID and emails [DO NOT integrate this information in the file that is attached], only on the registration form.
Likewise, five keywords are required in Spanish and English. It is suggested that these words be: one geographical, two disciplinary and two thematic, with their respective translation into English or Spanish that allow the content of the article to be identified. Include the main text and references below.
The text should be organized as follows (the section titles are indicative, the proposals can have another title, but respect the contents):
- Title
- Abstract (Spanish and English) and keywords in both languages
- Introduction
- Body of the work: theoric frame, methodology, results, discussion and / or findings.
- Conclusions
- References
The titles or subtitles must be differentiated from each other, for this the use of the progressive decimal system is recommended, taking care that the numbering of the subtopics or sections is not excessive or greater than two orders (2., 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2).
Acronyms must be clearly defined on their first use in the text. Abbreviations are not accepted, except those referred to in the Style Manual.
All references to previously published material and statistical sources must be identified in the text using the APA 7 author and date citation system, placing the last name of the author (or authors), noting in parentheses the first last name of the author / authors, followed by the year of publication and reference page (s) preceded by the letter p. For example: (Hiernaux, 2010, p.63) or (Hiernaux and Lindón, 2015, pp. 231-235).
Footnotes must be those strictly necessary, numbered successively in Arabic numerals and placed at the bottom of the page. They will be used only to make specific comments or clarifications by the author and not for bibliographic references. They must be presented in 9-point Calibri font, avoiding annexes or appendices.
Tables and graphs should include concise statistical information, in spreadsheet format, preferably in Microsoft Excel. Likewise, they must be placed in editable format in the place proposed in the document, with the title placed at the top of the object, with a 10-point Calibri typology and with their respective reference source placed at the bottom. The equations must be constructed within the document and not shared as an image.
The figures must be included in separate files, in jpeg (.jpg) or tiff (.tif) image formats with a resolution of 300 dpi and preferably in color and one file for each object. They should also be placed in editable format in the place proposed in the document, with the title placed at the top of the figure, with the 10-point Calibri typology and with their respective reference source placed at the bottom.
Both the tables, graphs and other figures will be numbered with the Arabic system (table 1, 2, 3, and more). Photographs are considered as figures (figure 1, 2, 3, etc.). The latter must be handled in JPG format at a minimum of 300 dpi and must specify as a caption, the author and the year in which they were taken, with a 10-point Calibri typology and their respective reference source, placed at the bottom.
Each file must be titled first by the type of object, its consecutive number and the page on which it is located (graf1p8.jpg; map1p15.tif; fig1p12.jpg; fig2p16.xls). In the body of the text, each object must be included in the corresponding place, in editable format.
The references will be included at the end of the article ordered alphabetically by author, including exclusively the works cited in the body of the text such as books, book chapters, articles in digital or printed magazines, journalistic notes, Internet files, films, among others.
Requirements for essays
Essays are reflections on current issues or research advances. They must have a minimum extension of eight letter-size pages and a maximum of 10, spaced and a half, in Calibri of 12 points, with margins of three centimeters.
The works will be selected by the Editorial Committee of the journal considering their quality, originality in the analysis, topicality and thematic relevance. They must meet the same indications regarding the title and the abstract, as well as to cite references.
Requirements for bibliographic reviews
Reviews must refer to relevant books published within the two years prior to the date of publication of the journal and their maximum length must be four letter-size pages, spaced and a half, in 12-point Calibri, with margins of three centimeters. on all sides.
The review must contain the complete reference of the work (APA 7 format), followed by the data of the reviewer and the identification data (name and surname, email and institution).
Rules for citing references
References to consulted sources should be included at the end, in alphabetical order, in APA 7 format (For more complete information, see section 38 of the Guide for Authors and Style Manual).
Articles and printed periodicals
Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B. & Last name, C. C. (Year). Title. Name of the journal (italics), volume(italics)(issue), pp.-pp.
Bertoncello, R. (2002). Turismo y territorio otras prácticas, otras miradas. Aportes y transferencias, 6(2), 29-50.
Articles and digital or electronic publications
Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B. & Last name, C. C., (Year). Title. Name of the journal (italic), volume(italic)(issue), pp.-pp. http://URL
Rodríguez Herrera, I. M. y Vargas Vázquez, A. (2018). Aproximación reticular a la producción científica sobre turismo realizada por investigadores mexicanos. Dimensiones Turísticas, 2(2), 9-26.
Article with doi
Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B. & Last name, C. C. (Year). Title. Name of the journal (italic), volume(italic)(issue), pp.-pp. http://doi: XXX-YYYY
Valcuende del Río, J. M. (2012). Turismo y poblaciones indígenas: Espacios, tiempos y recursos. Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, XVI(410), 28-55. http://doi.1138-9788
Last name, A. A. (Year). Title (italic). Editorial.
Santana, A. (1997). Antropología y Turismo. ¿Nuevas hordas, viejas culturas? Ariel.
Casez, G. (1992a). Fondements pour une géographie du tourisme et des loisirs. Bréal Editions.
Casez, G. (1992b). Tourisme et tiers-monde, un bilan controversé. L’Harmattan (Tome II).
Books with editor, compilator o coordinator
Last name, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title (italic). Editorial.
Vera Rebollo, J. F. (Coord.) (2011). Análisis territorial del turismo y planificación de destinos turísticos. Tirant Lo Blanch.
Electronic or digital version of a book
Last name, A. A. (Year). Title (italic). Editorial. http://URL
Ascanio, A. (2013). Economía del turismo. Ediciones de la U.
Book chapter
Last name, A. A. & Last name, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter. In A. A. Last name (Ed.), Title of the book (italic). (pp. nn-nn). Editorial.
Luka, N. (2011). Del espacio al lugar y al paisaje cultural: segundas residencias a orillas de ríos y lagos en Canadá central. En T. Mazón y A. Mantecón (eds.), Construir una nueva vida. Los espacios del turismo y la migración residencial. (pp. 21-46). Milrazones.
Salvat, J., Meritxell S., y Olmos, P. (1998). Evaluación del potencial turístico: las montañas de Prades. En J. Oliveras y A. Salvador (eds.), Turismo y planificación del territorio en la España de fin de siglo. (pp. 107-115). Universitat Rovira I Virgili.
Videos, recordings and other digital objects
Last name, A. A. (producer) & Last name, B. B. (director). (year). Title (italic) [description]. Studio/production company/discographic label.
Wayler, R, Wayler, W. (producers) & Wayler, W (director). (1953). Vacaciones en Roma [movie]. Paramount Pictures.
Videos, podcast and other online sources
Last name, A. A. (year, month and day). Name of the program or event (italic) [type of object]. http://URL
Hiernaux, D. (2019, 2 de octubre). La entrevista de John Urry en el Congreso Internacional de Investigación AMIT 2019 [audio en podcast].
Web pages
Last name, A. A. (Year, month and day). Title of the content(italic). Name of the site. http://URL
Caada, E. (2020, 8 de julio). Turismos de proximidad, un plural en disputa. Alba Sud.
Simposium and conferences
Last name, A., & Last name, B. (year, month and day). Title. In A. Last name of the President/organizer (Presidency), Title of the congress/symposium (italic). Name of the institution, place.
Ibáñez, R. (2013, October 31st). Retos en materia de turismo y sustentabilidad en pequeñas localidades costeras de Baja California Sur (BCS). 7mo. Congreso Internacional de la Academia Mexicana de Investigación Turística. Academia Mexicana de Investigación Turística y la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México.
Last name, A. (Year). Title of the thesis (italic) [(grade) thesis, Name of the institution]. Repository.
Gaxiola Aldama, R. (2010). Turismo sexual masculino y las prácticas sociales de uso del espacio urbano en la ciudad de Tijuana [PHD thesis, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte]. Institutional Repository.
Personal communications and interviews
Although personal communications (emails, private letters, memos, telephone interviews) must appear referred to in the body of the text as suggested by APA 7 standards, they are not included in the references, as they are not considered searchable sources.