Evolution and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic in main tourism municipalities of Mexico





COVID-19, mexican tourism municipalities, epidemic spread


In order to explore the relationships between the characteristics of Mexico's tourism municipalities and the evolution of the spread of the COVID-19, Bayesian regression and cluster analyzes were carried out on available and publicly accessible databases. It was confirmed that during the first phases of the epidemic, tourism municipalities with greater infrastructure, and therefore with greater tourist movement, resulted in a significative number of cases of infected and deaths, while in later stages, the tourist movement lost relevance to explain them. The differences in the spread between clusters identified by phase in the evolution of the pandemic are described. Conclusions, implications and future lines of research are included.


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How to Cite

González Damián, A. (2020). Evolution and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic in main tourism municipalities of Mexico . Dimensiones turísticas, 4, 37-68. https://doi.org/10.47557/YOEK2594