Reticular approach to the scientific production on tourism by mexican researchers




bibliometric analysis, network analysis, tourism research, mexican researchers


This paper presents the academic production written by Mexican scholars who are recognized by the sni (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores). Based on a bibliometric analysis and using the tool of network analysis, the study is focused on the publication of papers that researchers have written from 2010 to 2016. The purpose of this study is to identify the scientific collaboration in the field of tourism through the co-authorship of papers, by calculating simple collaboration indicators and examining collaborative networks among researchers. To accomplish this, scientific production was requested directly from the scholars, was then entered into a database and analyzed with Ucinet and NetDraw software, thus allowing a visualization, by means of graphs, of the researchers’ collaborations and their most important attributes. The results show an increase in scientific production in recent years due largely to the requirements set up by the system itself. Moreover, the study presents a low-density network with clear subnets that condition the collaboration among scholar peers. The study provides a view on the current situation of the scientific research in tourism in recent years, and, furthermore, the evident relevancy of network analysis on such studies.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Herrera, I. M., & Vargas Vázquez, A. (2018). Reticular approach to the scientific production on tourism by mexican researchers. Dimensiones turísticas, 2(2), 9-26.