“Social learning” in the management of natural resources: a transition process towards sustainable tourism in Tosepan Kali





social learning, natural resources management, sustainable tourism, Cuetzalan del Progreso


The trajectory towards sustainable tourism is analyzed through the Social Learning Process in the management of natural resources of the Tosepan Kali Rural Tourism Cooperative, from Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla. The learning was assessed through the values and daily practices of the cooperative members. Known anthropological methodologies were used, which
tested attributes of learning. The evidence indicates that Tosepan Kali establishes social learning, but has not ensured its path to sustainability due to multiple impacts and factors that intervene in its establishment.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Vargas, L. E., López Pardo, G., & Salazar Peralta, A. M. (2022). “Social learning” in the management of natural resources: a transition process towards sustainable tourism in Tosepan Kali. Dimensiones turísticas, 6(10), 9-32. https://doi.org/10.47557/NTFE1377