Perception of generational values: An analysis of coincidences and differences in the workforce. Hotel case study in Cancún


  • Ricardo Sonda de la Rosa Universidad del Caribe
  • Ali Korina Medina Arteaga Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Andrea Elvira Góngora Vallejo Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit



human capital, hotelery, generations, values, Cancún


The hotel industry is formed by workers known as centennials, millennials, generation X (gen X) and baby boomers. Each of them has different qualities, values, expectations and ways of working, which represents a challenge for those responsible for companies. The main objective of this investigation is to identify the generational differences and similarities of human capital based on the increase in productivity. Qualitative methodology is used to delve into a case study around aspects such as 1) authority, 2) promotions, 3) recognition, 4) interpersonal relationships, 5) job stability and 6) discipline, through individual interviews with representative members of each of the aforementioned groups. The results indicated significant similarities in terms of points 2 and 5, but not for 1 and 3.


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How to Cite

Sonda de la Rosa, R., Medina Arteaga, A. K., & Góngora Vallejo, A. E. (2022). Perception of generational values: An analysis of coincidences and differences in the workforce. Hotel case study in Cancún. Dimensiones turísticas, 6(10), 65-84.

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