Scopic regimes: the tourist gaze today
social gaze, visual regimen, scopic regimen, techno-digital, social mediaAbstract
In the last decade of the 20th century, John Urry published The tourist gaze, a book that argues for tourism as a legitimate field of study for the social sciences. The book defines tourism as a social activity constructed and systematized both visually and linguistically. In other words, it takes on the Foucaldian metaphor of The Medical Gaze to discuss the “tourist gaze”, an analytical device to understand the scopic regime that frames what is relevant to see about tourism. The gaze shapes social practices, in this sense, almost three decades after the publication of Urry’s work, it is worth asking: in what way has this gaze changed in the contemporary age? To offer a possible answer to this question, we explore the incidence of the techno-digital variable (i. e. extensive use of the Internet, proliferation of mobile devices, intensive use of digital platforms for socialization) in the reshaping of the named tourist gaze.
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