Estimating the vulnerability of the tourist municipalities of Jalisco to the covid-2019 pandemic and public policy options




COVID-19, vulnerability, tourist resilience, municipalities in Jalisco, multi-attribute model


This article proposes a general three-dimensional model to estimate the vulnerability of tourist destinations to the COVID-19 pandemic. The model is applied with data for municipalities in Jalisco, Mexico, with the purpose of exploring public policy options. Relating results and levels of incidence, a typology of municipalities, useful for the design of ad hoc policies, is presented considering vulnerabilities and contagion patterns distinguishing metropolitan municipalities from those located in coastal rural, riverside, magical towns, religious tourism and medium size cities. The main contribution is the development of a replicable model to explore policy options aimed to addressing vulnerability.


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How to Cite

Verduzco Chávez, B. (2020). Estimating the vulnerability of the tourist municipalities of Jalisco to the covid-2019 pandemic and public policy options. Dimensiones turísticas, 4, 95-130.