ICT in the experience of millennial travelers living in Tijuana





travelers, millennials, ICT, tourism innovation, Tijuana


This research studies the experience of the traveler with a millennial profile living in the city of Tijuana in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) during the visit to tourist destinations. It is a quantitative study. A questionnaire was applied to 385 millennials residents of Tijuana, through a random sampling, based on 95% confidence and 5% admitted error. The participants traveled at least five times outside the state of Baja California in 2019. Likewise, a factor analysis was carried out to find out the digital services used by said sector of the population. As a result, the most frequently used tech-nological services in the destination are: geolocation, which optimizes travel times; share experiences and make recommendations through social networks; They look for information on websites and social networks of tourism businesses. The apps they use the most are: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Uber. It is concluded that technological services favor the experience of the traveler with this profile, in this sense ICTs turn out to be key components within the elements that make a competitive destination.


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How to Cite

Miranda-Zavala, A. M., Cruz-Estrada, I., & Ramírez Torres, M. (2021). ICT in the experience of millennial travelers living in Tijuana. Dimensiones turísticas, 5(9), 33-58. https://doi.org/10.47557/QNWN5908