Airbnb’s supply and demand overview in Cancun, Quintana Roo and its implications for tourism
Airbnb, shared economy, guests, hosts, CancúnAbstract
Hosting services are the most visible and controversial service within the many which function under the collaborative economy modality. Among the existing virtual platforms, Airbnb has been known, since its creation, for its significant and rapid growth around the world, and for the different types of reactions it generates. This work examines its development in Cancun by analyzing the supply and demand characteristics hosted in this platform, and it is considered relevant because of the vast and reliable information it provides. This growing modality is still invisible in official statistics, so it is difficult to hold a formal discussion, take decisions, and implement measures that can benefit the community.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Claudia Inés Martínez, Pedro Moncada Jiménez, Ana Pricila Sosa Ferreira
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